
'Regarding Something' or 'Regarding to Something'? Which One Is Correct? | Mastering Grammar

(Last Updated: 25 September 2024)

Regarding or Regarding To: Which One Is Correct?

The word regarding is a preposition used to introduce a topic or subject. It is directly followed by the noun or noun phrase it refers to:

I have a question regarding your recent email.

✅ She spoke to the manager regarding the issue.

✅ There are concerns regarding the new policy.

The teacher answered all our questions regarding the exam.

He received an update regarding his application status.

The entry for the preposition regarding in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

The phrase regarding to is incorrect. Many learners of English mistakenly use it, likely due to confusion with similar-sounding expressions such as with regard to or in regard to. These expressions are correct and often used interchangeably with regarding:

✅ We need more information with regard to the project.
We need more information regarding the project.
❌ We need more information regarding to the project.

✅ He made a decision with regard to his career path.
✅ He made a decision regarding his career path.
He made a decision regarding to his career path.

✅ With regard to your enquiry, we will respond shortly.
✅ Regarding your enquiry, we will respond shortly.
Regarding to your enquiry, we will respond shortly.

✅ I have a few questions in regard to the terms of the contract.
✅ I have a few questions regarding the terms of the contract.
I have a few questions regarding to the terms of the contract.

✅ The company issued a statement in regard to the recent changes.
✅ The company issued a statement regarding the recent changes.
The company issued a statement regarding to the recent changes.

The entry for the expression in/with regard to in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

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Examples from the Media

Everyone can agree on one thing regarding the government's review of the school curriculum and exams in England: Becky Francis, its leader, faces a mammoth task. —The Guardian (2024)

Canada's Supreme Court rules against the federal government's impact assessment law. The judgment sets the tone regarding how different levels of governments work together to balance the economic benefits of resource development, against the environmental risks. —Toronto Star (2023)

Australia needs strong leadership with regard to climate change, bushfires and land management. —The Sydney Morning Herald (2019)

With regard to election reforms, even the obvious doesn’t strike us as obvious. —The Washington Post (2018)

Carnegie Scholar Vaneeta D'Andrea, an internationally respected expert in tertiary teaching models, writes an open letter to Minister of Education Chris Hipkins in regard to his proposals to reshape vocational education in New Zealand. Otago Daily Times (2019)

Real-World Examples of Misuse

1. Regarding does not require the preposition to after it. The correct phrase is regarding this project. Alternatively, you could use with regard to this project.
2. The expression should be in the active voice.
3. Since multiple individuals are listed, people is more appropriate than person.

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