
IELTS Speaking Practice Test 3

IELTS Academic Module Paper 4 Speaking Practice Test 3 with Answers

Part 1: Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes)

Examiner: Good afternoon. My name is [Examiner's Name]. Can you tell me your full name, please?

Candidate: Good afternoon. My full name is Chris Wong.

Examiner: Can you show me your identification, please?

Candidate: Of course, here is my identification. [Show your ID/passport.]

Examiner: Thank you. Now, in this first part, I'd like to ask you some questions about yourself. Are you a student or do you work now?

Candidate: I'm currently a student at the University of Hong Kong. I'm pursuing a degree in Linguistics, which has been a fascinating journey so far. The university is known for its rigorous academic environment, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the challenges and the learning opportunities it presents.

Examiner: Why did you choose that particular course?

Candidate: I chose this course because I've always been passionate about languages. I believe that linguistics is a field that not only offers a deep understanding of how language works but also has the potential to significantly impact our society and the world at large. It can contribute to improving language education and bridging cultural gaps, among other things. The University of Hong Kong offers one of the best programmes in this field, with access to an extensive network of professionals and state-of-the-art research facilities, which I found very appealing.

Examiner: What do you like most about your studies?

Candidate: What I enjoy most about my studies is the chance to explore complex language problems and work towards innovative solutions. The diversity of the courses offered allows me to gain a broad perspective on my field, and the faculty members are incredibly knowledgeable and supportive. I also appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with fellow students from various backgrounds, which enhances the learning experience and helps in developing a global outlook.

Examiner: Do you get along well with your classmates?

Candidate: Yes, I do. My classmates come from diverse backgrounds, and we all share a common goal of excelling in our studies. We often study together, share notes, and help each other understand difficult concepts. There's a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among us, which makes the university experience even more rewarding. Additionally, the group projects have been great for building teamwork and leadership skills, and I've made some good friends along the way.

Examiner: That's great to hear.

Part 2: Long Turn (3-4 minutes)

Examiner: Now, I'm going to give you a topic, and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes if you wish. Here's some paper and a pencil for making notes.

[The examiner hands over the task card.]

Task Card:

Describe an environmental project that you think is worthwhile.

You should say:

  • what the project is
  • who is involved in the project
  • what activities are included in the project
  • why you think it is an important project
[The candidate has one minute to prepare.]

Candidate: An environmental project that I believe is extremely worthwhile is the 'Green Rooftop Initiative' that was started a couple of years ago in Hong Kong. This project aims to transform urban rooftops into green spaces by planting local flora.

The project is a joint venture between environmental NGOs, local businesses, and government bodies. They collaborate to provide resources, expertise, and labour to convert unused rooftops into thriving gardens.

Activities include selecting suitable plant species, preparing the space for planting, the actual planting of the gardens, and then maintaining them. They also hold workshops and visits for schools and the community to raise awareness about the benefits of urban greenery.

This project is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to combat the 'urban heat island' effect, making the city cooler and improving air quality. Secondly, it creates habitats for urban wildlife, promoting biodiversity. Lastly, it provides community spaces for agriculture and leisure, which contributes to the mental and physical well-being of the residents.

Examiner: Thank you. Now, we'll move on to Part 3.

Part 3: Discussion (4-5 minutes)

Examiner: We've been talking about an environmental project, and I'd now like to ask you some questions related to this. Let's consider first of all how environmental awareness has changed in recent years. How do people in Hong Kong view environmental issues?

Candidate: Environmental awareness in Hong Kong has definitely increased over the last few years. More people are becoming conscious of issues such as air and water pollution, waste management, and the need for recycling. The government's push towards sustainability has also played a significant role. There are various campaigns and educational programmes that have made the public more informed and proactive about making greener choices in their daily lives.

Examiner: In your opinion, what are the most effective ways to encourage people to take more interest in environmental issues?

Candidate: Education is key. Implementing environmental studies in school curricula from a young age can instil the importance of sustainability in future generations. Additionally, media campaigns that highlight the direct impact of environmental degradation on people's health and daily life can be quite effective. Providing incentives, like tax deductions for businesses that practise green policies, and making it easier for individuals to recycle and use renewable energy, are also effective strategies.

Examiner: What can governments do to promote environmental awareness among their citizens?

Candidate: Governments play a crucial role in promoting environmental awareness. They can implement policies that both enforce and encourage sustainable practices. For instance, governments can invest in renewable energy infrastructure, establish stricter pollution controls, and offer subsidies or tax incentives for eco-friendly initiatives. Education campaigns are also vital; governments need to invest in educating the public about the importance of environmental protection through school programmes, public service announcements, and community events.

Moreover, governments can lead by example by making public sector operations more sustainable, which can set a standard for private citizens and companies to follow. For instance, providing well-maintained public transport in Hong Kong has both reduced traffic congestion and lowered emissions, serving as a practical showcase of environmental commitment.

Examiner: Does the individual have a significant role to play in protecting the environment?

Candidate: Absolutely, individuals have a significant role to play. Each person's daily choices and actions have a cumulative impact on the environment. For example, by choosing to use public transport, recycle, reduce consumption of single-use plastics, and conserve energy at home, individuals can collectively make a substantial difference. Grassroots movements often start with individuals who inspire their communities to adopt more sustainable habits.

Individual action also creates a demand for green products, which can influence industries to shift towards more environmentally friendly production methods. When individuals lead by showing what is possible, they can change societal norms and expectations, creating a more sustainable culture overall.

Examiner: That's all for today. Thank you for your time.

Candidate: Thank you. Have a great day!